Monday, December 20, 2010

The Reason I know nothing about Music

When it comes down to music, I can tell that people think I'm stupid. More than stupid actually, I can feel them judging me when I don't know the names of the Beatles, can't name a song by Bob Dylan or remember the lyrics to Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon (which I accidentally spelt as Lyon, while trying to look up the name of the song just now). It's almost a look of "are you with reality?", which I can honestly say, most times I'm half way there.

Anyways, my lack on knowledge on, what I'll just label for the sake of labelling, Modern or Conventional music (I'm sure there's proper terms but I ain't lookin for a dictionary!) is because it just doesn't grab me. I think this stems right back to my video game days as a child.  When I think of music it always formulates in my head as some sort of theme or beat, no lyrics, just a looping catchy tune or some foreboding/bombastic/melodic orchestral piece. In turn with this, it sort of sweeps me away from reality, I start forming original (or blatantly unoriginal images) in my head which are animated, real or purely fictional and they usually tell some sort of story based on the tone of this piece. This is all accompanied by a good variety of tracks, scores, themes, music (whatever you want to call them!) because my mind is constantly churning out so many different thoughts that I need variety in sound to match. Actually my mind never stops, it's like a hamster on meth in a ball in which he runs faster than the Pope can say a Hail Mary, while it is powering a formula one car that's racing against Speed Racer on Rainbow Road from Mario Kart.

"This is F@#king crazy"

That actually makes me sound crazy but I'm not, I just have a bit of a wild card imagination that is all. Now along with all of this, I just want to say that it doesn't mean I don't like bands, I have a few that I listen to every now and again, Muse sticks out in my mind, but for the most part I just don't feel that inspired feeling you take from music when I hear bands. When I listen to scores and tracks from films, games or movies the picture factory in my brain starts firing up with more intensity than Christopher Walken reading a eulogy and during these times I usually draw or like to write.

"Lady Gaga was fond of.. the scooching..... I didn't like.... the scooching"

Depending on what I'm listening to it influences what I draw/ write and I have produced utter crap, something I can be proud of or something that makes me question my sanity after seeing peoples reactions (oh dear). This productivity is what I think ultimately brought me into doing Film and Television, scores just gave me so many ideas I wanted to make visually and show to other people.

I also figured out amongst all of the instruments I have heard, that the Violin is my favourite. I actually have one now too (thanks to my super awesome friends + my 21st Birthday!) and it's something that when I have time I will learn to master it. It probably sounds like I should've done a course in music instead and if I become good at the violin in any way in the near future, that's definitely on the cards. But realistically pictures still come first to me in my mind, I really am a film-maker (well, wannabe film-maker!) at heart, composing would be second to that if I could ever do it.

Anyways, I won't keep people reading this mish mash potato of explanations to my musical tastes, I'll just throw down a few tracks that I love and /or have been listening to lately that are "inspiring" as far as quotable words go:

My favourite song of all time (seriously, I told my mam once I want this at my funeral, she wasn't too pleased with the thought that I reckon I'm 2/3's of the way through my life):


This is my favourite Silent Hill song as of late, it makes me feel badass, but I've stopped drawing to it because it usually not very pleasant:


And of course, who could forget the awesome cover of All Along the Watchtower from Battlestar Galactica's Bear McCreary:

Anyways, maybe that might give you a small glimpse of the different things I listen to (if that interests you for some reason), show me what you like with comments below. Except for you Colin, we have the same music.


  1. Thank you for Silent Hill song. I just love it.

  2. Yeah it's pretty nifty! love the beat of it and the lyrics are pretty awesome!

  3. Have a wonderful 2011 with lots of good music!
    Best wishes !
